Glock Mag Holder & Mag Pouch Review  - The Tactical Rabbi - Raziel Cohen

Glock Mag Holder & Mag Pouch Review - The Tactical Rabbi - Raziel Cohen


Raziel Cohen, AKA “The Tactical Rabbi”  - His video review explores the Glock Magazine versions of the ExtraCarry Mag Pouches used for concealed pocket carry of your spare Glock Magazines. 

The Tactical Rabbi will show you how various Glock magazines will work with the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch to carry your spare magazine concealed in your pants pocket. Great for those who pocket carry or choose to carry in the waistband on on your hip.

Three version are reviewed. The Universal ExtraCarry Magazine Pouch, which will work for all single stack 9mm mags or double stack magazine in 9mm. Also two version of the magazine specific versions of the ExtraCarry Mag pouch designed specifically for the Glock family of mags. The smaller and shorter Glock 26 magazine up to the longer Glock 17 magazine.

See what he has to say!

 Glock Mag Review - The Tactical Rabbi - Glock Mag Holders for your pocket